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Hey um I don't mean to sound like I'm rushing anyone but can we please have a option for Androids bc the horror games on the  Appstore almost all cost money and the ones that don't aren't the best quality  also I'm j not complaining about that stuff many bc I'm not too picky about games and stuff


i have no basement..

Really creepy game, and the story is really interesting, just the mystery of what is actually going on in the basement, and those build-ups really make you wonder what will happen after the end of the game. I am curious to how everything started, especially with the monster and loss of the parents, there are so many potential things that could have happened that just makes the story so interesting.

Really i like it. But this so short for me im wonder something. good drawing and music. İ can recommed for everyone. I hope your success continues, and just that much. 10/8.5 a little short


is Dr D Light, Dr brights (from the scp foundation) brother?

algunos audios y cosas no estan

que puedo hacer?

porfas respondan


Dr D Light is my favourite ever

(2 edits)

INMIMB for android?

no its for pc

No I meant if there's gonna be a port for this game on android.

i dont think they will make that.


Why give up hope so easily?!?

(1 edit)

I saw the little child and doctor cameo in the other game Crowscare. I'm guessing they are in the same universe but anyway the animation design is pretty good. The story was very interesting. Not bad all. 


I really really enjoyed this game

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Loved playing this game! It was amazing <3

I like this game so much! It's so awesome! Can't wait to play it again next time!

This game is so cool! I like the art a lot, the style is very nice. The overall atmosphere and environments are great.

Este jogo parece muito legal, mas infelizmente não tem uma versão Português (Brasil). Não querendo ser chata, mas você poderia "fazer'' esta tradução? :(


Some ppl dont notice that there is 2 endings. Other than me being upset ppl dont notice theres 2 endings😅, its an amazing game and i like how you made some parts without color and some with color. Great game!

i LOVED this game so much! the plot line was so interesting, and really sad :(  


i really really liked it i hope there is chapter 2 i hope so i liked it

I absolutely loved this game it was wonderful and I hope you make more games like this

nice game!!


Its a really nice game! I've liked it so much


I loved this game!

Had a blast playing this game and made a video of it on my channel. I couldn't put this game down and had so much fun playing it. I loved the art it was so cute I'm so glad I played this game. Keep up the amazing work and I hope you keep making game and making art because this was amazing.


...MAN!!!! perfeitooooooo caramba mior joguitooooooo mas eu joguei em outro site

depende vou ver se posso jogar ele no meu ChromeBook!


I love this game, its a great game! BUT DR D. LIGHT MADE THIS GAME 😭

Does this work on chromebook?


Yoooo! Nice game! i really loved this.

Really nice game! I loved the overall atmosphere. Keep up the good work!


Was a really fun game, the way things contrasted with the way things looked; the small scene where Embry was wiping the windows was super peaceful and showed normality, the colourful and rich house and the grey and sparse outside world really set the mood of the game and made it mysterious as well as creepy! The music, though subtle added to the ambience and feel of the game and the story was done! The way things slowly devolved into the end was well paced and there was enough mystery and intrigue to keep interest as well as the spook. Really well done and great game!

I wish it let u go down stairs at the end


Ngl I didn't like the ending. The game was okay and I see why people like it but it's just not my cup of tea.


I will say that I've seen Manly play just a little bit of the game since he's my favorite let's player. When I saw it, I decided to take it upon myself to play the game and OH MY GOD it was worth trying it out! I've also branched out to seeing your work through Instagram because I was so invested in your work and games and I've never felt so inspired in my life to create my own!! 

In terms of the game though, I absolutely love the representation of Embry as non-binary and I'm SUPER glad that their character isn't based off the fact that they are, well, non-binary! I love that the fact that they're super reserved is because of the trauma with their parents being gone (for various reasons depending how you depict it), and the whole struggles they currently go throughout the game can give the player a sense of imagination, which that I really love about it so much!! I also really like the doctor! Sweet man was just trying his best, but I really like the balance of the fact that Embry and Dr. D Light having their separate reactions on the issue, some people might seem Embry as rude when interacting with the doctor, the Doctor might seem to be pushy towards Embry, and so forth...point being I just really appreciate this game! I'll also definitely check out your other games to like relax whenever I get the chance hehe! Thank you so much for making this game, and keep up the amazing work!! <3

once i saw somthing get out of the toy box and i had so many nightmares about it


I'm really enjoying this and I can't wait until I finish this game

I love this game sm!! tho I feel bad for Embry, I want to give them a hug(its all sad that people are misgendering them:'[ )


Yeah it sucks, but no matter how many times people misgender them it won't make Embry any less nonbinary ♡


Good game too bad that ending tho.


Absolutely loved it! I feel so bad for Embry... I just wish they could have been adopted by Dr. D Light. I loved that guy.

Too bad the commenters in play throughs keep misgendering them... I love non-binary rep.


Another masterpiece game! Very nice style and is there a crossover with Crowscare? I think, I regonized Dr. D. Light in another game. 


once i played this game at midnight and i cant go to sleep and and i had a very simmuler nightmare that i went to my sisters room and she disapeard and and then i died and i woke up and i ran to my moms room and then i had a restful sleep and the end

Their stomachs never full, ravenous roars echo the walls, what happens when they aren't fed!?!?

My playthrough beings: this game is instantly snagging my attention!

I'm so psyched to continue Embry's story!!

-HardDuckman <3

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