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(1 edit) (+1)

I got this game on my laptop, and it was very creepy and cute! I loved all the characters :] I’ve watched people get the usual ending but then i got the ending for when i skip all the nights. That was scary like oml- but this game is perfect! 100/10


hey, don't you plan on translating the game into different languages? like spanish


Hello! Thank you for your concern. I would like to be able to translate the game into different languages to be more accessible to others, but that would mean having to hire a translator. I'm not against hiring translators, but I currently do not make a lot of money off these games and I worry I may not be able to afford one. Should I be able to make a comfortable amount off my art and games, I would love to hire translators in the future! But as it stands right now I can only make games in English, as it is the only language I understand. Thank you for understanding!

Wow, I was going to ask this now. So, can I translate your game into brazilian portuguese? I would be happy if you gave me permission :D

We can talk better in

or just dm me in twitter @dogsembatata 


Yes, absolutely!

(1 edit) (+1)

What a delight! No pun intended Dr. :) The story of Embry feeding her basement.. The idea is clear on what is happening but to each their own interpretation after enjoying this game!         Thank you arcadekitten

Here's my playthrough for ALL to explore, Enjoy!


Pros and cons are down below)

Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated!!)):


1. The story is mystical and interesting. It has some Fran Bow vibes in a sense that it makes you wonder whether the thing that's happening is really happening or it's all in her head kind of story. Very cool! I especially liked the open ending)

2. The art style is very cool! I absolutely loved how you can say that the girl is paranoid by looking at her. The little details in the background that hint at the story are also a very nice touch! I loved that!

3. The pacing is great! I feel like even though the game starts pretty slow but it has some mystery to it right off the bat and it hooks the player. Very cool!


1. I'd like to see more horror elements. The game spooked me only once and then reused the same trick over and over. It added to the ambiance a bit but overall I feel like there should have been something different. I mean the whole game it's been so smart at creating tension and predicting players' questions and then a lot of kind of cheap lil spooks. I just know you can do so much better at the whole basement part!

2. Lack of background music. That's a huge one. Just put non-intrusive creepy background music that's kind of always at the back of your mind but not really noticeable. I had to pick one track myself and I think the game benefited a lot from that but I'm (obviously) biased!


That was amazing! I absolutely loved the game! I rate it 5 paranoid girls / 5! Yet, I'm sure you could still polish the game a bit more to make it perfect.

Hope my feedback was useful!


Make another ending pls, i really love the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I honestly really loved this game. It was fun to play, I just wish there were more endings and it was a bit longer haha. I drew some fanart for the game with Embry going to the marketplace, I hope you like it! 💗


Oh my WOW!! This is SPECTACULAR! I positively love this style, this looks awesome, thank you so much!<3

You're welcome!! I'm super glad to hear you like it! <3 <3

Ooh :00 its so PRETTY! :3

Hello! just wanted to say that I made a video about the incredible story of this game, it was still in my mind after a while so I decided to share some ideas about the story, hope you like it!


Creepier than expected and very enjoyable! 

pleasee make another  partt

Pretty creepy, i like the art style


No offense but I dont think we should be comparing Embry, an original concept and character, to Nagito Komaeda or Kokichi Ouma. While I too can see the resemblance, it's a little annoying (personally, since I don't talk for the creator) to see a unique character like Embry get compared to characters like Nagito or Kokichi.

Keep in mind I love Nagito, Kokichi and Embry, it's just my personal opinion. 




the game is amazing keep the good work and make more games like this


It was a good game. the end was very good. kinda sad that it didn't show what happened to her when she went in but, overall it was a good one.

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

they/them. embry is canonically non binary

(not trying to seem harsh, im sure you didnt know any better)


They/them is not a real thing. Non-binary is an identity, which means non-binary people have actual genders. They just don't accept them.
This goes for all identities, really. There are only 2 genders, but some people want to be special, so they invented their own.

This is why we've had to move on to calling it "sex", rather than "gender". Because gender has now become an identity you can create at your own discretion, while sex is their actual scientific gender, outside of the fantasy realm.

Please don't correct people with made-up science from a minority of insane people. You might as well correct someone and tell them that the earth is actually flat. Sure, there are people who believe it. But that's what separates us from the... "dumb-dumbs". (Trying to be nice here)

Similar to what you said. I'm not aiming to be harsh. Or put you on the spot. I'm sure you've been fed those lies on a daily basis, so you don't know any better.

Either way. Since you agree that the main character is non-binary, then the character can be of either sex.

If you think she looks like a girl, then she's a girl.

If you think he looks like a boy, then he's a boy.

I'm sure my comment will be downvoted to oblivion if not just outright removed. Because, well, the truth is unacceptable these days. It's all about inclusivity and nice words. The imaginary world takes precedence over reality.

(1 edit) (+7)

Literally some devs out there are non-binary while accepting their LGBT friends for their appearance.

Just shit on creator saying "hUrR tHeRe ArE oNlY 2 gEnDeRs DuRr StOp MaKiNg NoN bInArY cHaRaCtEr BeCaUsE tHeY'rE mAdE uP bY iNsAnE sCiEnCe DuRr" when the creator literally said that Embry is canonically they/them and go.

Sex =/= Gender


ty bestie


You DO realize that there are people who are born with no or both genders, right? It's rare but it is real so they/them is real. Look it up, these people exist.

(1 edit) (-4)

Your statement is fictitious. There is no instance of intersexuality in the real world. But labeling genital-birth -defect afflicted as non-binary is instead very offensive for non-binaries and for them, since you're just assuming they have gender dysphoria over it and implying that non-binary identifiers MUST have genital defects. A child has no concept of sex. They can't identify as gay and therefore anything since they are realistically not ready for sex unless you're a pedo.

If the creator of this game really intended for the character to be non-binary, they should have made them with characteristics of both genders.


My statement is actually not fictitious, it seems you haven't looked it up. It isn't that common to see those people because their parents usually choose their genders but it is a real thing

(7 edits)

Bump but you know that some EDM producers such as MUST DIE! is non binary as seen on their Twitter bio. To add insult an injury, you must be invalidating gay asexuals because you seem to believe that being an unproblematic asexual means pedo right?

Just say Yves Tumor, the experimental music god, is male because "hUrR tHeRe ArE oNlY tWo GeNdErS dUrR" and go.

Btw, there are minors who are in same sex relationship at their same age, especially asexual kids, as long as no sexual stuff. Plus, intersex people exist. Just downvote me all you want for speaking the truth because fuck you.

And again, sex or pronouns =/= gender


i found a glitch on the game lol

how did that even happen lol


I found a glitch? embry is on the wall chilling 


Ok but the entire time I watched a gameplay all I thought of was Kokichi-

koichi kun you turly are a reliableguy

(1 edit) (+2)

1. this game doenst need a second part or anything its just perfect as it is
2. to interpret the story is what makes this game so amazing 
3. 10/10

(2 edits) (+3)

I just drew this my hands hurt don't like it that much but kinda proud of it and uh I know kinda has nothing to do with the game but you know hahaha I don't know lmao 😭 (edit:sorry I put a small little chest I didn't know what pronouns they go by so I just called them she/her but I just have been informed that they go by they/them so I'm sorry for doing that I wish I could fix it but the under line of the chest is in marker but then again it my bad forgive me.)

It looks amazing! And everyone makes mistakes sometimes its fine :3


Eek thank you! :]

Ofc! :D Have a great day!

Oh my goodness, I almost missed this!! It looks INCREDIBLE!! You should be so proud, I love this, thank you!<3

Eek! Thank you so much! I feel so happy with you replying to me 😭


she kind look like nagito komaeda




u need english lessons

(1 edit) (+7)

no they were correct. in the description of the game it was written that the child is nonbinary. that means they/them pronouns. you are the one who needs english lessons . be better


(sorry for interrupting) I agree with crunchy.croissant because I had the same mistake I accidentally called embry (sorry if I misspelled) a female but I got informed that they go by they/them but you know everyone makes mistakes but isn't crunchy.croissant that needs English lessons it's honestly you.

i think so 


well go to school rn

The ending really got me, my heart skipped a beat! 😅

I really enjoyed the artwork and story, it was such a pretty way to tell quite a dark story ☺️
This game is so cool, I appreciate all of the artist!  If it's possible will there be any sequel/prequel? 🤔

Here is my playthrough if you want to see it

I love it Embry looks kinda like Kokichi and Nagito but make it one 


i n d e e d.


Y e s


y e s.


Y e s.

The game seems good, though i haven't played it yet

I love the game a lot c:

what is this it's horrafiyng


So uhm- I just drew this-


MOST EXCELLENT thank you i love this<3




how do i get pictures of just the character sprites on a png background??

i honestly kinda wanna make an edit lol


Hey, Tenko

hello himiko iruma


Can i play it ob my phone, of so how do i get it to work


How do you get past the part where you have to find the key in the house?


"nonbinary child". Cringe.


So your just a tranphobe, your gross


nonbinary isnt trans lmao


nonbinary IS being trans it means your preferred pronouns are they/them etc basically anything except she/her or he/him 


you can be non-binary and use she/her or he him


(not trying to be rude here) but technically it can be!! trans is identifying with a gender you aren't born with at birth, which means that yes, technically non binary people are trans cause they don't fit a gender binary (I hope this made sense, again not trying to be rude ^^)


hey uh being non binary isnt cringe 


Yes it is lol it's just conforming to gender stereotypes 


how is that cringe??????? how is a nonbinary child CRINGE? Care to explain?????


calling someones gender isn't cringe and yeah there may be some people who find out about their pronouns before others if that's what you find cringe but honestly just stop


can't explain my love for this game IT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD 

I like the game, will there be a sequel? 

I think so 

(1 edit) (+4)

I think the story is about struggling with social interations and fearing the world outside. Embry is a kid afraid of the world and the people in it (maybe because of a bad experience with the outside like bullying), and has locked himself in an imaginary bubble to isolate himself from all if it. He then created a routine to set a goal for himself without having to truly go out. The basement represent the way out of this bubble, and that's why Embry is afraid of it. So he created the whole monsters and feeding deal to distance himself from the problem, stating that the basement itself is the problem. The food represent Embry's denial, and it slowly running out represent Embry who is slowly realizing that he is getting nowhere with that. 

Embry's parents fate isn't clear, but if I go with the story not being real, I would say the parents's absence represents Embry shutting himself from the world. We only see the parents two times, and each time they are educating Embry.  But those advices they give him are always related to the whole basement deal. His mother tells him he need to bring constant care in order to keep the plants alive, and his father tells him his paint give him an anchor he can always go back to when he's feeling down. The fact that we have no other interactions with them signify Embry discarded everything else and kept only the advices reassuring him about his situation, interpreting those to feed his denial. He works to keep his routine alive, and said routine give him comfort about himself.

Then there is the basement scene with the parents calling out Embry. I think this represents their efforts to get Embry out of her bubble. The mother try a gentle approach as to not scare Embry, but it doesn't work. Then the father try a harsher approach, but Embry doesn't listen yet again, denying the whole thing as "monsters" trying to bait him. Then his own voice come from the door. This is his own subconscious calling out, showing that Embry actually wants to get out, but his fear of the outside won't let him do that.

People at the market are just worried about Embry, but he keep pushing them back because he clings to his routine. The doctor represent someone kind enough to actually go out of his way to help him. On the way home, Embry keep trying to shoo him away, but he won't leave. I think the doctor falling in the basement is way more than that. For him, the basement represent nothing, but he see that Embry is deeply afraid of it. Embry throws a tantrum when he insists on going in, and him falling into the basement represents not his death, but him finally giving up after Embry violently pushed him back and taking his leave.. Hence why Embry is crying after his departure : he wants to be helped, but is too afraid of leaving his bubble. A small detail being that he cries until his routine calls him back, his line sounding like a premade routine line ("Look at that, it's time for bed already"). 

The nightmare sequence is Embry's subconscious confronting him, and presenting him with 2 truths represented by the monsters he so dread. The monster in the basement in the routine incarnated as Embry himself. He created this monster, and the monster feeds on his denial, never having enough, and it will consume her over time while Embry is using it as a scapegoat to avoid confronting the truth. The doctor represents his guilt about making him leave. He warns Embry that if he keep on pushing people back, they will ultimately stop trying, deeming Embry as not worth the trouble. And then, no one will come to help anymore, represented by the faceless visage under the mask of the doctor, and loneliness will consume Embry.

Finally, after this nightmare, Embry realize the truth, and declare that all of this has gone far too long. At this point, there isn't any food left, and thus no more denial. Embry finally find the will to enter the basement, and by doing so, leave his bubble and is off to live his life.


that actually makes a lot of sense :0


i actually really like this theory and i agree with it, but just warning that Embry goes by them/them pronouns! they're non-binary. ^^


Aaa!! This is beautiful! It makes so much sense, but don't forget Embry is Non-Binary. I'm not saying Enby's can't use she/her he/him pronouns, I just wanted to let you know ^^ /nm /pos /gen

I like this theory because it would mean that Dr. D. Light isn't dead

i love this game so much :))))) !!!!!!!!! i had to make fanart<3333 lots of love!!!!!

This is GORGEOUS! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love this so very much, thank you for all your support! I'm so happy you enjoyed the game!<3

Omg! This is absolutely beautiful! You are so talented :3 i love it!~ 


i swear if there be any Gacha Heat/Rule 34 of Embry i'm going on a rampage


Fr I will commit murder if I see anything like that

go on, i respect your opinion

I will too

how do i get past the kitceh i got bread and jelly but what d i do

If u haven't figured it out yet u need to get the peanut butter




I literally made an account just for this but OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE!! I love it so much, it wasn’t too long and wasn’t to short, it was perfect! You know a game is good when it makes me cry😩.  I loved the representation with an nb character as well! I’ll definitely play this again, and I’m gonna play the other games made by you because they look just as good! Tysm for creating this masterpiece.

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