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I absolutely loved this game, the story is so unique, the characters are so awsome, and the game is all around great! I loved both endings, very scary

I love this game and everything about it!  I saw many youtubers play it but i did not watch them yet cause spoilers so I downloaded it and it did give me the spookes but its so fun

Hey, I played your game like dozens of people before, and really, it was worth it. I liked the story very much, the graphics and the weird doctor, the secrets in the basement are quite interesting. I uploaded it on YouTube, incl. the link of the game. Hope to see more soon.

 i want it FRE

its already free ...


That was really good! Had my full attention there! The slow building worry of the kid was much more effective than a lot of horror games that just go all out gore and knives. The main talk image of the girl is also really good, that's art goals there.

Did you just display the talking sprite with the show picture function in RPG maker? I'm trying to make my own little game, and have found it to be really cumbersome for displaying images like that. Did you just power through and make it work, or did you use something else?

I was so engrossed by the game that I was really surprised when it just ended. This one is going to stick in my mind for a while.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

*nonbinary child

God this was so fun to play! Gave me and my partner a good spook, the story and art was so beautiful. Fantastic work!


Is there a way to see the happy ending please please please please




shit .-.

I wish there was, like a path you could take i to get dif endings, ya know what I mean?


Yes, and I hope so too

I love this game, it's truly a favorite game. I keep a list of them somewhere, of the greatest games i've played so far.

(1 edit)

Simple graphics that gave me a good scare now and then. Well done. 

I found a out no-clip glitch.

I think (theorize) that this is caused because

the path-finding algorithm doesn't check for door collisions

when you move, allowing you to go out of bound without

loading the next area.
ust finished the game, very nice

(1 edit)

Very great i had a good time playing this!

Hi there! Could I translate this game into slovene?


Sure thing! Do you have a twitter or email I can contact you through?

Yes! I am @maimiamoo on twitter!

ai criador pra voce

Part 1 of my gameplay
Look interesting :)

This was so much more substantial - and so much spookier - than I was expecting! Super, super good. I'd love to see more, but it stands really well on its own.

I feel like I've seen parts of this game before...

Either way it's "Dr. D. Light"-ful.


Wonderful game! Very open ended ending and both nightmares are just.. unsettling I guess is the right word. I'm curious if she killed her parents or not.



Gostei muito desse jogo, tem muito uma pegada de mistério, o mais legal é que o jogo nunca conta nada literalmente, você tem que supor.

Joguei assim que tava em alta no itch


Anyone knows how to play this game on macOS Big Sur?

how many endings are there? ive only gotten one ending but i wanna know if theres more 

I really enjoyed playing your game! The Unknown of the basement and even after "going into the basement" no one knows whats in there

My playthrough of the game can be seen here!

someone tell dr. d light i love him


The creator certainly has a knack for writing open questions into the stories, and doing so extremely well. Poor Embry, though... the story hits even harder after playing Trick n' Treat, and watching them in a more lighthearted setting, being a kid like they really ought to be. The story is tragic, leaves an awful lot of room for interpretation (which is something I love), and is still short enough to enjoyably finish in an hour or two. I will admit, the sequence throughout the nightmare had me backing away from the computer the first time I played through it, but I might just be a bit more prone to fright than most. The game is great, and I love Dr. D so absolutely much.


i head canon that Embry sounds like crona from soul eater


It's such of good game! I love it! Kinda want a part 2 knowing there's no way it's gonna be...I can relate to this so much, and I'm very happy to see a non-binary character as a protagonist, I love all your games!

how do you play?

pls make this game for android is so perfect


I'm very happy with the nonbinary rep in this game ^^

To the commenters who keep calling Embry "she": Please. PLEASE read the description, where Embry is referred to by they/them pronouns only. Thank you.

I had two endings The second ending when she got back into bed she dreamed of Dr. Light in her sleep and the mask was budgeting little by little and then back to normal His face was really scary and he was talking to Embry in really scary words then you go down to the basement and it's game over

انتهت اللعبة هذا رائع

Wow wow wow it's so amazing is there a second part And I want to ask you who is her big brother, then is it really Dr. Light Dead? He's really cool

Absolutely loved the experience of reading off what each character was saying. Very immersing, and had me there close to the end! eek! Would recommend!

(1 edit)

I got an account to comment now but Great Game! Pretty Spooky and gives me two ideas on what happened whether literal or Metaphorical. 

this was awesome!! it was so fun to play and the story was so unique i loved it!

its a very good game tho i dont really understand the ending i showed it to my mother and she doesnt understand it either if thats the purpose of the game then you did a good job,can we maybe get an explanation?or leave it as it is that just makes it more mysterious i guess

just finished it and im just as confused as you r my friend

it looks cool

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