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I just finished playing this game and got the true end first somehow, is it supposed to be hidden? this is a great game with an interesting story, good work! I am gonna try and find normal end now.

I just hope that wherever Enide is right now… I hope she gets her just deserts.

she was so nice than the true came out cute game :)

After True Ending I got depression.


omg me too twinsies


oh. my. god.

So like, since the warning and the cake, i already knew ''yeah shes a cannibal.''
Then i thought ''shes gonna make a cake out of that crab guy as revenge for her''

then i thought she was MC's sister (forgot their names)

THEN i thought she was MC's mother.


i never expected enide to date her sister



so uhm, i really enjoyed this game

and i dont really thinkk you do sequels or prequels, but it would be sick to play a prequel in the vision of the sister


Saw ManlyBadassHero play this, wanted to play it for my own channel, it looked interesting

so I bought this and tried playing it on my Mac OS X M1 14.4 (Sonoma) and had trouble running the and the nwsj. I DID get it working on my Mac by doing the following:

# Open a Terminal Session
cd /Applications/My\ Neighbor\ Enide/
python3 -m http.server 5000 
# Now point your web browser at http://localhost:5000

This will let you run the game via the web browser. Thankfully, RPG Maker MZ exports in a format that is heavily Javascript and HTML based. 


Unfortunately, I don't have a way to play the game, but I did watch ManyBadassHero's video on this game.  It seemed like a very cool game!  


The true ending though, man... what a shocker.  I was not expecting that,  and it honestly makes me sad that Allie won't be able to see Tabby again.  Even when the scares fall short for me,  they never fail to make me feel sad for the characters.  I absolutely love cute animal characters,  and the way you do your horror is the perfect contrast.  

Whenever I get myself an actual computer to play your games on,  you can bet I'll be playing them.  Keep up the good work!   


when i found the true ending, i-i couldn't move, i was in absolute shock

now I hate myself thank you .


this game is fucked up... in kind of a good way... the plot twist at the end was... crazy.




the true end made MY JAW DROP FRFR

 Clawdi is so silly great rep (as an trans person) 

kinda wish it was longer but this game is great!11!!!!! (yeah i said it before lol)

Very interesting plot and art. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 

Normal Ending

True Ending 

oh i get it…allie-cat…ALLEY CAT……..clever one……

as a trans person myself, i was really happy to see Clawdi :)) love her so much

(1 edit) (+1)

I really love the way your art style evolved.

One of your best game and art !


This is the first arcadekitten game I've ever played, and I absolutely love it! Great Job!

idk why but I was hoping Enide would go after Allie’s dad, but still a good game overall :3




Beautiful as usual! The inclusivity was just a nice added touch to the basic aspects hetnorm games include. I feel like how you weave it in as so normal is exactly an approach the gaming community could benefit from!

The STORY omg, I had some gut feelings tell me where things were headed but you still made me shudder when they occurred. LOVE what you consistently bring to the table!!! <3



So many RPG-maker games. You need to learn to code miss.


Okay! Are you going to pay for my coding classes? And financially support me through the time it takes to learn code?

I work in the engines I enjoy using. No one is forcing you to play RPGMaker games if you don't like RPGMaker games. Thank you for understanding.


I am really curious to hear about what games you've developed that have half the fascinating plots AK's have.

all of their games highkey

highhhh key!!


Why do you care so much?? Just don't play the game if you have some weird vendetta against RPG maker. 


I love the game and Clawdi side story i loved it i really related to her whole story wish i got more from her


very cute game, ik the trans stuff was small but things like that is really cute to see and makes me happy, the minigames were very basic but I didn't mind them and parts of the game actually made me anxious about if I should leave the room/hiding spot yet! I also love the mc and art and the charachters feel like they have personalitys


Normally cook with other titles but this one was pretty mid tbh. Artstyle is hella cute as usual and I adore the designs, Enide is standout, perfect vibes. Adore the minigames coming back to play later on. Also props for having a Spanish ver, always nice to have stuff like that.

Writing-wise though just...

Allie's hearing aid being mentioned at the start and all yet not being brought up more feels like a waste. And normally I'd give merit for something like that, having a character with a condition or trait that isn't focused upon as something defining but something that just is- But with a horror-themed game like this, it feels like a waste to not use it in some form. Especially with Enide's laugh and all, I feel there could've been something clever done with it. 

Then the whole Pincer/Clawdi thing. It feels tacked on just for extra points or to brag about having some LGBTQ rep in the game. It does feel like there was no build-up, and it just, happened for no reason. "Pincer bullied their friend, who also teased them back, during a stressful time for a teen and played a female character, totally an egg!" and it happening after their father died feels a bit, sour on my tongue. I just think character-wise it felt, out of left field.

Then the true ending twist doesn't help. It just feels like a downer ending for the sake of being a downer. "Yeah, your sister who just suddenly left you and completely altered your life in doing so? She fucking died and there's nothing you can do!" Like... Nothing Tabby did made her deserve it, nor does it tie to the idea of the game overall beyond just making you hate Enide or feel like shit over Allie being pushed into silence.


you do realize that there’s a whole part where you can go talk to pincer while he’s in his yard playing the game and he is playing as the female character under the name “clawdi” (definitely not foreshadowing or build up)

(1 edit) (-6)

I mean, the fact that his/her father disappearing possibly played a role in it, and yes it did feel like a weird excuse to mark the game having a lgbtq rep, a sad excuse of a rep honestly, its more like it was sudden with no more time to show of her personality nor focus to check in on her development, so in a sense, Clawdi was a bucket list rather then a rep, would have been better if her father wasn't a victim (instead a stranger) more screen time on pincer, and how clawdi is now, that's what I call a rep, but that's just wishful thinking.

 making it seem that in order for someone to be trans, they gotta have their parents removed from the equation, sends a bad message as a rep, if people actually think clawdi is considered a rep, then NO FUCKING WONDER THE "DAD GOES TO BUY MILK AT 3 AM (GONE WRONG) (GONE MISSING)" WAS POPULAR.

BUT THEN AGAAAAAAAAAAAIN, crabs are able to change their gender by the fly, it's called protandry, so in actuality clawdi isn't transgender, shes bigender, or is it, they bigender. up to the developers to decided 

thats the thing with horror games, dont you understand??

Have you ever played FNaF? with the missing children?
Have you ever watched Scream? with innocent teens getting murdered???



the game is awesome I loved the characters I want to give my opinion on three specific characters

(spoilers )

I don't understand how people say that the representation came so naturally?!

I feel that Pencer was wasted. He could have been a bully who learned from his mistakes . His transformation came out of nowhere. his character before transforming is different than before transforming like he's a different character,  Just because the young man likes to choose a female character in video games doesn't indicate that he wants to transform. Nor does his behavior and bullying of neighborhood girls suggest that either,  I felt that this part was just there to gain some points, also

Allie kept bullying him and criticizing his mustache is that why he wanted to switch gender?

What I understood from his transformation is that you cannot be a good person unless you transform to be a girl?? But if you are a teenage male, are you a bully filled with testosterone?

also I wanted to say that Tabby and her mother are very selfish  

The mother left the father and did not ask about her daughters or try to communicate with them despite their young age

Tabby ran away from home, but not before causing a psychological complex for her little sister, who began carrying an old doll everywhere just so she would remember her sister, and she did not give her any way to communicate with her and did not even think about visiting and seeing her.


the trans thingy, it could be this:
He is bullying girls bc hes jealous
He gets angry of the mustache because he doesnt want one
He bullies ally since the first reason.


I would die for Allie.

Totally unbiased when I say that I super super enjoyed this! Thank you for tearing my heart directly out of my chest and hitting me with swords, Arcade-


Damn that ending. Part 2 where She tells her dad and go after her.


Great game! I really enjoyed the hiding minigame, definitely added a bit of tension to our attempts to escape. I was partially expecting one of the endings to be us becoming Enide's apprentice, that true ending would have caused a lot of issues in that case!
(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game, hope you make a sequel with more rope jumping!


Such an excellent game! Totally called it with Clawdi. And I let out such a loud gasp at the true ending!!


Absolutely wonderful. I loved the Clawdi stuff so much. I did kinda see the true coming, but it was very welcome. Very very. 10/10


I loved the representation, it comes so natural which is something I don't see many people being able to do. The gameplay was fun too, I aced jacks and later it was important! Thank you for making this game!


This is such a good game , and I love how it came together in the end. The graphics are amazing and i love the characters. 😁


Very good game

(1 edit)

welp, amazing as always, BUT.

can i just say how effective all the name drops are?

(spoilers incoming, duh.)

i'll skip over Clawdi because that one's rather light compared to the other two.

now, for the most obvious, Tabby, i have to say, it's kind of like flowey in undertale, sure, at first, she's important, but as you progress, you kind of... forget about her. so to bring her back as a victim was honestly very cool.

now, for the one i really didn't expect, Reginald. she has a link with Reginald, and unless arcade's pulling a sneaky one on us, it's Reginald Tetra. first i was happy to see that his name was there, then instant dread as i remember what kind of things he does. being linked with him made it rather obvious Enidne wasn't nice.

so, all and all, great game, as always might i add, but also, i' bet we'll see in her wishmaker.

also what's with characters that can't love unless they consume what they love?


I loved the end so much omg... but i kinda saw it coming but that was the thrill seeing it come true. i loved the reference i think? with the red panda to fias night out. Man i wanna know what happened to enid... i like her. and what happened to the mom and why were dad and sister fighting? we´ll never know

I'm kind of assuming that the father was strict on Tabby since the mom left which made him more overprotective. The absence of the mom plus the dad being overprotective was probably Tabby's breaking point. I think that the mom is meant to be more vague she just left for the plot



spoilers below!!!!!!!

Created an account just to comment this!! LOVELY GAME omg this actually got a few jumps and gasps out of me, which doesn't happen often when i play videogames! especially when I got the true ending!!!! :] I LOVE the little arrow key moments like I was just expecting them to just be a silly little extra thing at the start of the game but it made my heart race when I was suddenly supposed to do them to control the breathing. 

I know she did horrible things but. Enide is a lovely lady :3 




babe wake up new arcade game dropped AND IM NOT LATE THIS TIME!!! WOOHOO

Another great game!

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