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this game... is a pure piece of magnificence. the endings have me literally sobbing... i cant explain how much of a roller coaster this game is


This was an amazing game. The characters had me invested, the story is just phenomenal, and to wrap it all up, the art style is amazing. I've only gotten through Crowven's ending but I will definitly being going through Reginal's as well, especially with his obscurity in the Crowven ending. Overall: 10/10, would recommend 


I absolutely loved this game! I've seen it a few times in my recommended, and today I finally decided to give it a try. All I can say is I wish I would have played it sooner! Crowven and Mary's relationship had to be my favorite, I can't lie when I say I felt myself tearing up a little (more than a few times). The art is so pleasant to look at, and the world-building was done really well! Great job, I'm looking forward to any and all future projects :)


This game broke my heart! Such a tragic story but so well-written. The characters are wonderful (well... most of them). This game really gets you hooked. It might take hours to play, but it's worth every minute!


i got the bad ending 


Cool Fun Game


One word to describe it all : AMAZNG 


Despite Reggie's warnings to not do so, I've looked into and decoded the inscriptions. [Spoilers Abound in link]

Part 1:

I finally got to this game!! I dedicated myself to recording every game you made. I just love your stuff!! I already played It's not me it's my basement, Crowscare, Tricks n Treat!! I having a blast and can't wait to dive deeper into the story!! 🤩😄😅🤭

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What a charming game! The art looked so nice and the story was captivating. I had a lot of fun playing it, I recorded one path and will play it on my own more to find alternative ways. Thank you so much for making it. :)

Another amazing venture into your quirky, charming world! Looking forward to "Blackout Hospital" too. Below is my personal favorite route and ending:

Thanks for making these wonderful games!

Absolutely shocking amount of content for free, so it was well worth the $5 for the bonus art. Some of the plot elements confused me but I was engrossed the whole time and went through every route/ending. 


i got the true ending after a couple of tries, i really adore this game!

am i going mental or is that crowven??


lol my dead name, haven't played it yet(don't have time/procrastination) but I definitely will play it very soon and pull an all nighter(IT LOOKS SUPER COOL TOO!!!<3)


Mary Anta

She looks  like a manta ray (her horn hair, black outfit and white skin), and her name too. M(ary)anta.

Gotta say I love your OC. You've been investing a lot to her, I saw your art on DeviantArt. It's awesome! I love the work!

I never caught on! Now, I wonder about the others...


If you mean what animals they're based on ill tell you!

Mary-Manta Ray




Vasilis-Deer (I think)


Ah, thank you. The first few (Mary, Crowven, and Twyla) I figured out—though in Mary's case, only because someone pointed out the pun in her name. Given Reginald's surname, I can see Pufferfish (Tetra, as a play on "Tetrodotoxin"). Vasilis is still a mystery to me, even so. But that does nothing to diminish my appreciation!

(1 edit) (+2)

You're welcome! I just really like explaining things about video games. Also, something that wasn't pointed out I forgot to mention was that Mary Anta is an anagram of Manta Ray


Mhm. Someone mentioned, and I pretty much facepalmed. The shape of her hair makes the allusion a little more prominent. I always like learning more about characters I'm fond of; it's an old hobby, of sorts.


I love this game a lot, ty for this!

I love your Games So Much! And I find the Click Place to Walk In "its not me its my basement" So Much Easier to Walk Sense my Down Arrow Key is Broken Off ,  And Your Art Style is Wonderful! , Keep Making Wonderful Games!.


Hi So, I Found You Through Bijuu Mike's Video Playing "It's No Me, It's My Basement" And Then I Just Recently Saw His Other Video Playing "CrowScare", Both Games Seem Really Cool, So I Have Downloaded Them To Play! Then I Saw Cemetery Mary And Just By Looking At The Cover I Knew I Had To Play It; Because Your Art-Style Is So Pretty!

Anyways That's Basically It! I Just Wanted To Say This! ^u^ 

                                             Have A Great Day! Bye!


So, I created an account on itchio just to be able to comment on this game, I had found your works a few months ago when being introduced to It's Not Me It's My Basement where Dr. D and Embry captured my heart. And it wasn't until recently I re-found you through Crowscare. I have downloaded and played all of your games except for Here for Sweethearts which I just haven't gotten around to yet.

But I'm not here to discuss how I found you, but rather, how much I love your work and how much you inspire me. I found Cemetery Mary through playing Tricks n Treats and decided to play it to understand the characters in that better, and I have no regrets.

This game is probably the most intriguing game I've found in quite a while, after every ending I wanted to know more and can't stop replaying it, even after I finished all endings and all variants of the True Ending. It also has probably some of the most powerful emotions I've felt in a game for a long time. Crowven's route always found a way to get me crying, Twyla's bad ending (and the True Ending for that matter) had made me feel so betrayed, Reginald's endings had both just left me in shock. I can't express just how much I loved this game, it's story is just so insane, but in a way that just makes me want to continue playing more.

And don't get me started on the art- when I had first found INMIMB the artstyle was what had reeled me in at first. I just adore everything you draw in general and everyone's designs are absolutely adorable. I love how cute Mary's hair is, her eyes just always make her look so interested in life and her outfit- it just looks so comfortable! Reginald's design holds such a nice color palette, and his work attire looks just perfect on him. Crowven's outfit is so cute and I just love how his hairstyle is. And I don't even know where to start with Twyla's design, I love every aspect given to her; and those spectacular eyebrows--

Anyways, sorry for the rambling, I just love this game so much and talk about it to the point where it's annoying my family and friends-


Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to start with this comment! It means so much to me.  Receiving comments like this makes all the hard work and effort I put into Cemetery Mary feel worth it.  I can't thank you enough!! This is surely going to be one of those comments I keep coming back to whenever I feel stuck or unmotivated.

I hope you'll be pleased to know that Cemetery Mary will be getting an update soon! I plan to release it to Steam soon, so I figured it would be good to update it accordingly. Nothing about the story or writing will change, but there is going to be some new pieces of art in places that were previously black screens, and characters will have blips when talking now!(Comes with a volume slider). I'm hoping to have it out sometime by the end of December, I'm thinking around Christmas time give or take a few days?  So I hope you'll stick around and enjoy that, too!<3

Thank you so much again for the lovely comment. This really means the world to me and I can't thank you enough!

Ah, I'm glad you liked my rambling- and you should feel like your work towards this game was worth it, because it really is an amazing game! I'd honestly donate if I weren't so broke right now.

And I'm looking forward to the steam release! All of the new things sound exciting and I can't wait to be able to experience them! The cutscenes are probably some of the things that had stuck with me the most throughout your games, since they add so much more emotion than sprites can (and I just get to see more of your art)! And I'll definitely stick around for the update and any other future games you release!

OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME! I mean, at first I was a little bored since it was just reading and choices but something told me to keep going and I don't regret it one bit. Plus the description did say it was a visual novel so after a point I just saw it as an interactive book. Mary is so fricking adorable though. I don't know how she could ever be seen as creepy or scary. But there are still some things that confuse me like, who were all those people Mary met in her dream at the lake in Twyla's bad ending??? Did Crowven kill them?? And I wanna know more about Reginald's obsession with Mary! Like, how long he's been stalking her and such. And he also seemed to know about those weird inscriptions and stuff you'd see during his route and I recall him saying something like how he didn't want Mary to have to deal with the same things he does. Ahhh so many questions about him. But I will say is route was my favorite. Both the good and bad endings for it. I'm totally gonna look into more stuff you have. 100000/10!


This game genuinely took me by surprise - I didn't go in with any particular expectations, but by the time I completed the three routes I was absolutely blown away. There's so much variety in the three routes' moods, the characters are all well-rounded and distinct, the story-telling and pacing was superb and the sombre moments were delivered perfectly - the three routes alone would make this a fantastic game anyway, and the true ending just puts the cherry on top.

Definitely recommend it!

is it most recent game? In what order should one play them?


Cemetery Mary was my first game! <3 Order doesn't matter for most of them, but the order I made them in was:

Cemetery Mary

Tricks N Treats

Holiday Shopping

It's Not Me, It's My Basement

Here For Sweethearts(Continuously updating)


(3 edits) (+1)

Thanks! Actualy i've already played almost all of them in wrong order, so appearance of Mary, Sunny and... "Unicorn guy" in "tricks and treats"  was  quite a spoiler:)) But now i won't let other people(whom i recommend your wonderful games) make the same mistake(n_n)


I loved this game so much in all aspects. You did a great job here, thank you so much! The characters were unique and well done, and the way emotions and certain topics were showed and discussed was so beautiful, it was surely a great experience to play it.

this game is amazing. although i havent gotten the true ending or any other endings other than crow's and reg's good ending, it was enough to satisfy my little heart's needs🥺


yo this story is SO good and emotional, I'm crying

this is so unfair, all this emotion and I got a bad end?!
I tried to listen but then it just happened.... I gotta find out how to get the good end omfg but I played all evening so I hope it won't be long

tip for everyone: don't forget to save like I did

have fun!


I'm so glad you like it!! <3 There's good end guides in the devlogs if you ever get stuck, too! :')

thank you! I'll use them indeed (:

holy shit- this is amazing. this is a good game.

With permission from arcadekitten, I've made a discord server for all fans of their work!
Come check it out!



AAH!! THIS COMMENT IS SO HIGH ENERGY IT MAKES ME SO EXCITED AND HAPPY!! I LOVE IT!! THANK YOU!! I'm overjoyed that you loved the game so much it drove you to the point of caps lock!! This game means a lot to me so I'm so happy to hear it mean a lot to you! :'D Thank you so much for this comment, I'll treasure it! <3




You, arcardekitten.

You’ve made a masterpiece. 

I don’t even know where to begin on complimenting this game; the writing was stellar as you’ve been told, the graphics are charming, and the game was a fun experience. But my favorite part was the emotion it invigorated within me. It made me feel things, which not many even PAID games can deliver. So, I thank you. May I ask; can I make a discord server for this game? It deserves more love. 

Have an amazing day you legend.

Thank you so much!! This comment is so sweet <3 You're absolutely more than welcome to make a discord for it, I'm very flattered that you want to! :'D Thank you so much again!!


Tysm!! And I really appreciate you putting this into the public <3

It is done!


great game!


My lord, scrolling through itchio and taking a look at random games that seemed interesting, I had no idea that I would come across a VN with as much impact as this. The writing was stellar (only a couple of errors, I think concentrated in Crowven's route), and accompanied by absolutely fantastic pacing, storytelling, and intrigue. Mary is a likeable, and an immediately sympathetic protagonist. Her relationship with Crowven really hit hard for me, as a sibling, and the dynamic between the pair was probably my favorite aspect of the game. The artstyle is incredibly charming, and the character designs were memorable (not to mention the little references to a connection between owls and Twyla, that I hope I wasn't imagining). 

The path towards the true ending completely blindsided me, but going back to play the game again, there were certainly hints peppered all throughout. The bad endings were appropriately heartbreaking, and although Twyla didn't come off as a likeable character for me (which is honestly in character) Reginald was sadistically charming and Crowven, as was aforementioned, is best boy. Their stories all ended with questions, which is so difficult on the one hand, but on the other, I am now absolutely playing every other project to figure out all the missing details.

Also, I know I already said the art was gorgeous, but the display of emotions was so well-done (and also the hairstyles, no clue how, but they all look perfect), I think I have like fifty screenshots from my favorite moments of the game. Which, aargh, was difficult to collect, because every moment is so near to being my favorite. 

Anyways, this game was extraordinarily lovely, and I cannot wait to get into the other related projects!! The journey is one I wouldn't have missed for the world. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh my goodness, this comment means the absolute world to me! I had to like, take a step back from my computer after reading it--I felt so flattered! Thank you so very much for playing and enjoying the game. Your thoughts mean so much to me and they made me so happy to read through. 

I don't know what else to say, but I know this is definitely one of those comments I'm going to come back to read if I'm ever feeling discouraged or glum. Thank you so much again for your support, for playing and sharing your thoughts with me! It means so much more to me then you could ever know <3

EDIT: OH! Yes!! Twyla is an owl, hehe! Very perceptive! <3 And I'm glad the true ending made you feel that way! It was what I was intending--something that feels shocking but when you think back on it, starts to make a little more sense. I can't wait to explore some of the unanswered questions through future projects of mine and I hope you'll be there for the ride! Thank you so much again! <3


Aw, it's always a joy when something I say helps somebody else out! There's a special sort of game that's always tough to leave behind once it's finished, and leaving a comment just talking about everything great therein, especially when it's a hidden gem like Cemetery Mary, is always a good way to process a story that's ended, I feel. Another thing I forgot to mention was the voices- each character's style of speech is so unique, and it was really fun trying to discern who owned the mystery number by speech patterns. Up until Ovidius (and I absolutely adored his character) popped up, that is. 

And, just as a finishing note, thank you for developing and putting out this game in the first place. It's these sorts of stories that are just so inspiring that they make you want to go out and write a VN of your own. I'm so glad I played Cemetery Mary, and I'm even more glad the comment I left was able to bring a smile!!

Oh hey, I discovered this game thanks to INMIMB (an Amazing game!) and wow, I think i just found one of my fav visual novels so far, Im just enjoying everything so much, the story, the characters, the art (Mary uwu), thats even more amazing that you made it all by yourself aaa tysm for releasing this masterpiece (I still have to get the true ending somehow though -w-) Also I Saw on your Twitter that you were going to make a New game with some of CM's characters, is it going to be a sequel to CM ? + Do you have any discord server related to you/your games ?

Anyways keep going youre doing really great with your games good Luck in making them :)))

Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! :'D Comments like this mean the absolute world to me, I'm so glad to see you're enjoying it! (I've also got walkthroughs in the dev logs if you ever need them ;)  ) Thank YOU so much for playing!! It's like a hug to my heart! <3

Yes, I am making a game with some of the characters! I like to describe the two games as being "separate but connected", if that suffices for an answer. :') Not necessarily a sequel but definitely connected! 

I also do not have a Discord server as I wouldn't want to be responsible for handling/moderating it. However, I'm fine if others want to make Discords to discuss my games or anything like that!

Thank you so much for this comment, I'll be thinking of it all day! I hope I can continue making games that you'll enjoy, thank you so much! <3

Oh you're welcome, you desserve these compliments a 100 times, I just completed the whole game 100% and yeah that was an amazing trip :)) I cant wait for the next game, and I'm sure it'll be as great as the others, thank you very much for everything, wish you well in the future but most importantly have a great day ! :)))

is there somewhere I could find the whole soundtrack

Cemetery Mary's music and sounds are all free-to-use assets that come from various places around the web and are credited after the true ending! So unfortunately, there is no "soundtrack" to find. Apologies!

ok thank you, and I am really enjoying your game and am on my way to find the true ending. I can't wait to see what other game you release in the future

Thank you so much! :D

I loved this game!!!! My first route was crowven and i immediately went to play the other routes after!! I do have a question about Reginald though. His route ended up giving more questions then answers in my opinion (not in a bad way i think it made him even  more mysterious) and especially after the true ending i have to ask if we are going to be left in a cliffhanger for him or are there going to be continuation games that answer these questions in the future? Will Cemetery Mary be a series??

I'm so happy you like the game so much! <3 Yes haha, Reginald will return in future projects and the mysteries in his route are planned to be explained/explored through these future projects :-) They may not be *direct* sequels to Cemetery Mary but connections and a continuation of these sorts of mysteries is planned !

how old are the characters espesically theo

The main characters are all at least young adult age in this game! :-)

okey thank you

what a relief

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