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Hi! Amazing game <3

also, I entered the fandom and found out the whole fandom is attracted to this one character I'm not gonna say their name to avoid doing spoilers

guys, please, stop having crushes on people like that, it's very unhealthy

Idk if im slow or what but yall are talking about a blackout hospital im so confused ive played this game for 10 hours ive followed every route (crowven,reginald and twyla.) i dont know what to dooo!! can someone give me a hint with no spoilers plsss

blackout hospital is another game by this dev 

This is by far my favorite out of all of Arcadekitten games!


Full All Endings Cemetery Mary Playthrough! By Clock

WONDERFUL GAME YOU'VE MADE ARCADE! I had such a great time going through all the routes, going through all these emotions as I saw the good and bad endings and THE TRUE ENDING OHHHH. And having you once again just made the playthrough so special too really can't thank you enough for being in the chat for every part! 10/10 one of my favourite visual novels I've played! 

does anyone know how to open on windows 11? I downloaded the windows file but i may be doing something wrong

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game so much, the way characters deal with grief (to me felt very realistic),especially Crowen and Mary. My only criticism is that Reginald seems acts very differently to how he acted in Here for the Sweethearts, but that might because of lore that hasn't  been reveled yet.

Thank you so much for making the game!


h hhh my heart can't take this...
I can't say much without spoiling stuff so in short:
now spoilers ahead (for this game and blackout hospital):








Where to start where to start...

I'm actually gonna start with the few negitaves cause everything else about this game I adored.

So the mafia thing... that was a little out of left field right? I see that seeds were planted throughout the main story, like Twyla being rich, her and Crowven hating eachother, the cabin being so secluded for a reason. But it was all so vague that you could've played all 6 normal endings and not the true one and have literally no idea the game had anything to do with that. Not to mention it felt pretty disconnected from the initial premise of  a girl that talks to spirits, and a serial killer on the loose. It wasn't bad by any means though, I mean this in the nicest way possible: the true ending felt like an episode of riverdale except I actually cared about the characters. I like the twist that the mystery number came off as so creepy just cause Ovidius didn't know how to text properly, that scene was very funny. Also, I'll acknowledge it's totally possible there were some more direct clues that I missed or that went over my head.


DUDE I CAN'T. The first ending I got was Crowven's bad ending and while I don't think it's necessarily the worst one IT HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK!!! IT WAS SO SAD!!!!! I might be partial towards Crowven since he's the least insane out of the main three, the nicest, and the one I did first, but it just hurt so much for him to disappear and have that ending screen of Mary crying. I didn't even realize there were good and bad ends for each route at first so I just kept playing. I did Twyla's route and got the bad end, and so I thought Reginald's route must lead to a true end, but I actually got the good ending first try there. So after thaaat I went back and did the others. I decided to do Crowven's good end last, and I'm glad I did as it was just the most feel good. Agggghh their relationship is so wholesome (minus all the mafia stuff heh.)

I kept calling Reginald Tetra at first cause I was just coming from blackout hospital, but I shifted over time. His route is so good at luring you into a false sense of security. He's so charming and there is really only a few minor times he's blatantly suspicious, like when he's all shifty at the restaurant, so much so that you actually start to trust him juuust a little bit by the time you need to spend the night, even having played blackout hospital (it does help that I stayed with him like twice already trying to get other endings and nothing bad happened.)  But then, the game pulls the rug right out from under you. DUDE one detail I loved so much was that the polaroids in his drawer were from points in the game Mary felt uneasy, or was asleep. One simple line sent chills down my spine: "I can tell when you're lying." OOH, CHILLS! Not because it's creepy, because it's a callback to when you first meet him. THAT'S SOME GOOD WRITING!!! 

I don't have much to say about Twyla's route except that you did a good job making me realllly hate her hehe. I don't know if senseless gang violence is really a good morale or anything, but it was relieving seeing Mary's family safe. One thing about Twyla's route I will say though, is that the ending gave some great insight into Reginald, and made the ending to blackout hospital make a bit more sense. We defintley don't have the full picture yet, but you can tell that this is a wide spanning, well thought out story.

Some misc things: Great art! The POV and style (as well as Crowven's whole route honestly) reminds me of Night in the Woods, which is another great game. I can tell you got more ambitous with animations and transitions in renpy towards the end as well, as stuff was just more alive in certain parts of routes, and definitely in the true ending with all the panning shots and stuff. It was also cool seeing all the guest artists for the posters, shows, books, and photos. The Vasilis cameo as well made me :D

Alright I think that's all (I probably forgot something I wanted to say and am gonna feel dumb later)

GREAT GAME!!!! bye now



(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

So uh, this will be a long one because i have many thoughts i need to dump about cemetery Mary and the Blackout Hospital. To say I'm really invested is an understatement, this is now a part of my hyperfixations.

(spoilers ofc)

Honestly this one was really the most difficult for me to play through because how things almost always didn't look up for Mary and she kept suffering especially through Twyla's route (i could see myself in Mary's shoes) that owl girl was kindaa hitting too close to home so after I got her bad end the first time, i was like, "God, f*ck this bit*h I'm moving on to another route" and it was Reginald's I picked, compared to Crowven who got rough-around-the-edges anger issues going on, the more calm though suspicious guy was just a better option for me atm. I've been really curious and interested about him, and I guess he grew on me after that whole fiasco in the blackout hospital. Though, I still ended up getting a bad end in his route first play too that i had to look up the walkthrough...

Even with his good ending and through true ending, it didn't really help since i was sad Reggie just disappeared... Even with Ovidius who got me attached to died.. And despite everything, I'm still stumped on how to connect the dots, there's so many lore and theories my head is spinning. I guess cemetery Mary could be called as loose prequel(?), but since Mary and Vasilis didn't recognize each other in blackout hospital, Crowven just asked Vasilis out for a date in the hospital, with Mary and Tetra being the 'doctor' too.. I was wondering if maybe blackout hospital could be a parallel universe, what with the unicorn man referenced in both, other realm, and the whole inscriptions going on that had Tetra involved in.... 

I still don't understand many things, I was glad to see some characters made appearance in each another series/game (like that Fia and her mom too), happy that Mary and Vasilis could be best friends in the blackout hospital, and Mary could be back with her family and all in this game, but with Tetra's business still going on behind everything... Things aren't resolved to the core yet so I'm just hoping I won't be forgetting about all this too much while waiting for your next works related! I just hoped Tetra could be happy, like with Mary somehow maybe, whether friends or um lovers if they can get together.

Oh yeah, also just small nagging question.. are the characters half-animal that could turn into their own full form animals?? Are there even pure humans in this world/universe? I was kinda surprised to know Tetra is actually a pufferfish seeing from his picture profile in the chat...

I'll be playing Here for Sweethearts next! Need something lighthearted rn after everything...

So, there's a "true ending" that you can get regardless of how you play the game, so long as you make the "right" choices to get it. But which route is, or at least the one you would consider, being the "canonical" route?

(1 edit)

***Spoilers in question****

Hi, my boyfriend and I just finished playing this game and absolutely loved it. We want to play more of your games, but start out with one, that continues Cemetery Mary, because we still have a few questions and we hope your other games might answer them. Specifically, we want to know what happens to Reggie, why did he leave, and what the  flipflop were those symbols and curse during his route. Also, what was up with the corpse at the funeral that made Mary feel so bad? Do any of your other games discuss any of these, so we can play them and find out? Once again, thanks for the game, it was really good. Did all routes and ending, expect for Twyla's and really enjoyed it.

Mary and Reginald return as central characters in Blackout Hospital! This bigger story of everything is still on-going so not everything is answered in that game, but are more hints and lore developments to help paint the bigger picture of things to come. Thank you both so much for playing! ♡

Thank you so much for your reply, we will try blackout hospital next ^^

This game is awesome.  The writing style and the plot is hypnotic in a way, couldn't stop playing after I downloaded it off steam.  I've only achieved one ending, but I will return to the game to achieve the other ones, and I can't wait to play more games you've developed as I'm certain they will not disappoint!  I enjoyed the character designs and details.  Will you ever look into voice acting for this game?  I would die to see this game come to life even more.  Keep up the great work!  I love to voice over this game on lives when bored.  You did a fantastic job and I can't wait to see more from you in the future as I will be there to support it!!

Thank you so much!! ♡ While I don't think I'd update this game with proper voice acting, another game of mine (Blackout Hospital) shares some important characters to this game and that game has blips of voice acting here and there which really helped uplift the experience, I think! Excited for you to (potentially) play it, thank you again for your kind words! 

i should be asleep but noooo i spent 3 hours doing twylas good and true endingggg crowven im coming for you tomorrow.

im really enjoying this game thank you so much

lets talk abt the fact mary has a skull in g

her room. WHOSE-

i love this game. i am going INSANE i have a whole album on my phone full of photos dedicated to this game. 200+ photos. this is CONSUMING my life nd i love it

That means so much to hear, thank you so much <3

it took me a whole day to fathom this reply i LOVE your work!!!!!! keep it up  

im not done with the game but i got the bad ending yesterday AND IT WAS AWESOME! i will continue it today till we get all the endings and secret or whatever, i really like it!

im not done w the game yet (im about halfway thru my first playthru i think) but mary is just like me fr


i love when mary said is cementering time and cementeried all over the place
(i just downloaded the game and haven't played it yet.)

i reallyyyy liked the game but i havent gotten the true ending so can someone pls give me some hints how to get it i dont want to watch youtube video about it that would ruin the fun

the dev has a guide up for good and true endings in the devlog!

Thank you :D

Bro, I made an account just to say how much I enjoyed this game. This game was truly a pleasant experience and I genuinely think this is one of the best indie games i've played IMO. 

Now I absolutely adore this game, I also love that it gave me the blue screen of death, still trying to figure out how to fix that, but once I do, I'll play this game again I guess (PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE IT'S NOT EVEN MY COMPUTER AND NOTHING IS WORKING


Reginald definitely has the voice of Kevan Brighting (The Narrator from The Stanley Parable) and you can't convince me otherwise!


Reginald has a voice actor in my other game Blackout Hospital if you'd like to hear him speak !!


This game is so GOOD, like bro, it is all game and fun till the true ending, kind of like get a snack at 3 AM, Btw the true ending also got so intense to the point I literally started walking around my house for no reason. Please try this if your reading this, you won't regret it

(1 edit)

This game is a true little gem I got to experience recently! Going to continue it soon as it piqued my curiosity :)



So, I played this after playing "Here For Sweethearts" so I went in very biased towards the Reginald route and him as a person lmao--Here's my reactions after every ending (I placed them in my bookmark of this game bcuz MAN that was soooo good <3)

Bad End: See You In Mars (LOUD SOBBING)
Bad End: Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall... (BEFUVUR# AAAAAAA SOBBING)
(used the walkthrough for this one) Good End: Fairest Weather Friends (REGINALD KIDNAPPED ME--AND THEN HE KILLED HIMSELF BRO?? BRO WTF OMFG NO STOP WHAT I HOW WHY aww Twyla waves at me,,, REGINALD WHAT)
Good End: I'll Be Waiting For Your Mail (BRO ??? REGGIE IS SUCH A SOBS i am still in denial despite three endings proving he's the Butcher existing lmao--But brroooo)

As you can see, I had quite the time playing through this game :3 It was a very fun way to spend the last couple of days, cycling through (I did use the skip feature cuz I am an impatient gal,,, (it does take from the emotional impact but </3 we fine we roll with it)) But gah !!! yes, definitely a 10/10 game, gods, absolutely STUNNING to play through. 
This is the only game that made me be in support of literal murderers lmao--In my defence, they are all killers, but like--They're my killers, ya know?

Ofc, Twyla is lowest on the list, but being friends with her results in a WAVE and that was so emotionally rewarding ngl--But yeah, she's definitely the one I'm the most IDGAF about you energy towards. And she does that to me right back in literally all the routes minus her good ending <3 We get a Smidge of it in the True Ending,,, but also she kidnapped me to keep Crowven in line so like,,, mk bestie noo--Not fun, not poggers

Then we have Reginald who I went in VERY biased towards, as previously stated, but still. He learnt Mary appreciated going to funerals and instead of being like "Ah, yes, that's a nice hobby to have. I'm glad you can find the joy in those scenarios." MANS REALLY JUMPED TO "Well if it makes you happy :D" AND BECAME A SERIAL KILLER LMAO??? Pls, he is SO deranged. I got genuinely creeped out in the Reginald Good Ending where we have a Mary POV and he's in our space, it provides a really great look into how utterly CREEPY he seems, getting in our space like that made me get genuine goosebumps. So uncomfortable/pos
That said, one of my favourite frames of the game came from him so--

It just speaks to me on a personal level you know. It just perfectly comes across as "ah shit i fucked upppp" energy and is just a perfect reactional image i love it so much

Now for the boy of the hour and my favourite little murderer guy !! Crowven :D !! I love him so much, I squish him like a marshmallow/pos He made me stim the most and his routes were the only ones to make me cry because FUCK the HUGS GOT ME GOOD--Every single hug from Crowven made my heart go JJEFVU#VEHEG cuz they all told so many stories--The hug from behind when he comes back to the house after Theo has been murdered?? GUTTED ME MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH--I gasped so loud and was Shooketh. He was so SAD !! And then the hug when they're on the bed and we start talking about mushy shit about getting all better I--I melted,,, And in his Good Ending and the True Ending--He's family, man, I love him and I I I Crowven my favourite frfr

Mary, ofc, the main gal of the hour with the pov we follow, she's so nice to play !! I think given the style, this one falls a little more short of giving her her true Fish Eyes look like from Here For Sweethearts, but I'm glad to have played that one prior to know more accurately what they were referencing :3 !! I felt so betrayed during the fight with Crowven sequence because the options didn't match her dialogue and I was like "BRO WHY ARE YOU GASLIGHTING ME LIKE THAT???" /pos ofc. it's a really nice depiction of a realistic fight and you could hear my heart shattering first playthrough seeing them go at each other like that :}

Shout-out to all our side-folks !! Such as Zapara, Theodore, Aunt & Uncle, Mum & Dad, Ovidius from the True Ending, Bookstore owner, Priest, Twyla's dad/uncle, etc., it's a diverse cast and I was so hyped throughout it :D !!!

I joked about the fact that Mary and Reginald swapped hair lengths for this game vs HFH lol, it was such a silly detail to me

Thank you for making this game :D !! Really enjoyed it, top tier experience truly, your whole game catalogue is truly very fun <3 Thank you for creating :3

(1 edit)

I love this game, Amazing storyline, Amazing character design, And i finish one of the routes, I am now in Twyla's route, I am like addicted to this game its just amazing, this deserves a follow (and i play some of your game too), and plz notice me plz i love your games.


I love the combat, the animations are amazing.
This game is awesome.

ohh, the anniversary was 5 days ago...

God, this game was so amazing!!! 

I really loved how your art style gave you so many options for quick CGs, the visuals felt so ALIVE and I loved that unique touch to it. 

And now... 

I will check out your other games and go crazy over those : 3

I love this game!!

i loved this game so much!!!! i binge played it within 2 days after i played hfsh

@arcadekitten cementry mary: CHAPTER 2?


If you're looking for something like that I'd check out one of my most recent games, Blackout Hospital! Found here: 

(2 edits)

welll............i downloaded and deleted that game cuz when i opened the game, it just stays a black screen . i tried opening the game 2 times but it didn't work. sooooo also in crowscare the same thing keeps happening plz fix that bug.

btw your characters looks so cute..

the reason why i started following you: REGINALD AND MARY

@arcadekitten !

I have not had anyone report those bugs so the issue may be with your computer, not on my end. Regardless, there's still playthroughs of Blackout Hospital on youtube you can watch if you'd like to see more of Reginald and Mary's story!

thanks for help!!

i cried over crowven

I did too


(1 edit)

I had so much fun i got 2 bad ends in a row on my first tries so.... I had to  cheat  don't tell anyone hetehe. And the true end was just so good and well written ,Love the art. 

i got a bad ending where crowven goes missing, that made me "OH NO ITS SUCH A SAD STORY PLZ STOP PLAYING" then i stopped, after a while....... i got 2 good endings in a row

 Ohhh lucky I had to cheat , I got that one and at first I was like omg I may got a good end on my first try... but i spoke to soon :<

i cheated the second time :o

(1 edit) (+1)

This game had been in my library for a while, but when I played and beat it today I wished I had played the day I downloaded. If I could give a rating it would be 5 stars out of 5. One of the main quality features is the very good artwork featured throughout, and the choices felt like they mattered. I wish the best for the developer and I hope they are successful in their future games.

It's one of those games where if I could, I would rate it more than 5 stars. Feeling bored and agitated enough to look for games to spare my time with - I've stumbled upon this very creation, left somewhere in my numerous, untouched collections. Moved by its style, I curiously jumped right into downloads. 

Not only was the gameplay what I was hoping for but it was much more than that - I felt fascinated, kind of like how you feel after watching a movie where you forget about everything else. The characters, the story... It meant a lot for me, someone suffering from multiple mental illnesses and having lost someone recently. The topics of death throughout the story felt real, relatable. They reflected reality of grief and how it affects daily life. As for the characters mentioned earlier - I am in shock of how well written they are... I mean, I quite literally felt like they were real to me and I made actual friends along the way. Maybe it's the nature of the character itself that makes you feel relatable, but I felt like I've lived through the story. 

Well, I won't be writing an entire Bible for this review (at least for now, haha) but if you ask me, I certainly do recommend this game. I'll truly never forget the impact it's made on me and I'll run back in memories to playing this game.

Can't believe there's such quality content available for free. Loved it, also loved the art style, it was super cute!

What's the difference between the "PC" and "Windows" versions? Not sure which I should get but I downloaded the Windows one.

Not much really. To my knowledge PC is just compatible on both Windows and Linux at the same time instead of being just for one--but I could be wrong about that.

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