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i just love how all of your games are related to each other!!!!!!!!!


Just finished the game. This was such a blast seriously I loved it so much. Probably my favourite game from you along with the basement game.


I LOVED this game it was such a wild experience and you can tell how much work and love was put into it! I do wonder if you will explain what the secret ending is about because I was looking at the walkthrough and there's nothing explaining it, or, if the secret ending symbols that showed up mean anything 🤷‍♀️

Another thing I am interested in is the pregnant woman in the maternity ward and Vasilis getting possessed. I wonder if they were the same thing?

I will definitely be back to record Semiaquatic Circus!!

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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screa ed

Part 6:

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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babe wake up new aradekitten game

Part 5:

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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I just about wrapped up each room on floor 7 and OMG this game is AMAZING! 




(1 edit)

Part 4:

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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This was so fun! I love the character designs and puzzles! And all the connections to your past games are so cool. Thanks for another great game c:

Part 3:

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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This was awesome! I absolutely loved this game!


Hello! I work with ENG - PT BR translations, would you be interested? You can read more about it here.

- Alex <3

(1 edit) (+2)

I finished the game and got all endings, i like the story and the characters, if you haven't played it, you should try it out!!


Babe, wake up new arcadekitten game.

Part 2:

I feel like there is something way deeper about the hospital that I haven't unlocked yet! I can't wait till it gets darker!! So far I'm really enjoying this!!

I also got lost for so long!! I am so bad at direction's!! But that's my fault!🤣

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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I really liked how the story of the hospital unraveled, you definitely took a tired idea of a haunted hospital and put your own spin on it. I also liked the characters as well, Vasilis was thorny but I liked how he developed into a nicer person.  The interactions between them and Mary were one of my favorite parts of the game. So overall, another great game from Arcadekitten, looking forward to the next game whatever it may be.

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I knew that blonde guy looked familiar, he was in Cemetery Mary.

Just finished this game on stream and I loved it! You never fail to put out banger games. I'm glad I played Cemetery Mary before this game released otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the references. I am curious, what timeline does Blackout Hospital takes place? 


I thought maybe it was after Cemetery Mary but Vasilis didn't appear to be with Crowven near the end and didn't know who Mary was. But then Mary also called Reginald by the nickname she gave him, so I'm confused on whether its a separate timeline or if it takes place after.

I finished the game under a single sitting and boy. WHERE do I EVEN start! (Fair warning, this review WILL have spoilers so just scroll past this!)

Being the very game that you published that contains so much gameplay and lore, I must say that this game was incredibly worth my 5+ hours in a genuine manner. To start things off, the intro was incredibly well done for me personally! I was expecting a random character to be the introduction of the scene, only to be thrown out the window by the Vasilis themselves! I couldn't even recreate my face when that caught me off guard and started nodding my head in pure satisfaction, because that intro was incredibly executed so well on how the camera panned to a background character to the main (even though literally the main character was in the COVERR)! The next part is definitely when things blacked out, and that's the part where I GOT INCREDIBLY EXCITED because it really encapsulated that we were definitely in a different  realm. The puzzles and clues that was left around for me to figure out was SO FUN TO SOLVE but not TOO difficult to figure out which made the gameplay intriguing to keep going!! When the segments of the characters were introduced during the blackout, I deeeply, deeply was entranced yet beautifully sorrowed over how these character's lives were amazingly portrayed before their death. Albeit some of them were funny /pos, but all in all, it really made me feel incredibly melancholic and am glad to have been introduced to them. Next as well are the visuals! And Arcade. ARCADE. 

YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT NEONS AND PRETTY  COLORS!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! My EYES were eatin' that SHIZZ UPPP!! It was so good and I couldn't help but imagine myself in that kind of scenario and NOT feel like I'm floating every time. The art and graphics were incredibly so admiring to look at, the FUNKY COLORS that were used in this game was definitely in my lines of joy to look at, and you did SUCH AN AMAZING FRIGGIN JOB WITH IT ILY /p!!

For the characters, as I was getting a good amount of time being introduced to these characters, I did at some point had to figure out who'd be the one causing all this havoc, and let me tell you Reginald was acting, super, SUPER reserved yet so...unnecessarily rude towards Vasilis for no reason, which was a HUUUGE red flag for me and gave me the impression that he was hiding something, in which the end I was right and (his fight was a fucking pain in the ass when ur not prepared, i had to retry like a couple times and when I tell you i internally screamed, i internally SCREAMED OF JOY). Though Rune was a second close call, but I figured his strange behavior would also be close to a red herring, but then again I felt the same with Reginald but WELP. FUCKER HAD TO BE IT. A lot of Reg's behavior was really picked up on me to realize that he was definitely up to something, and honestly, amazing fucking characterization! Vasilis and Mary, and RUNE GRAAHHH!! Words can't fathom over how much I loved them so much along with the other characters featured in the game! And I enjoyed every single dialogue that was placed in them!

All in all, absolutely astonishing game! Everyone who's placed their time, love and effort into this game including YOU, ARCADE, deeply letting you know that you did such an incredibly well done job!! I have been fed very nicely, and I'm still honored to be credited as an inspiration for your music!! Many loves from your silly mime!! 

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I just finished playing the game. Suffice to say, I love it. Every detail is perfect and I couldn't imagine it being anything else. I really appreciate all you've done to make this game. I even did a Let's Play on it. I hope you are doing well and I hope you enjoy my Let's Play of it. 

the way your characters express themselves in dialogue is just chefs kiss

i really liked the scene where Vas talks to Mary on the balcony, it was really heartwarming and sweet :) ( and the pics of them at the end i- )

// i found out that some of the characters can also be seen in your other games, i am going to play them asap >:)


I finally found time to finish playing this and AHHHH! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!! 

I've said before that you're my favourite developer and that still stands, this was absolutely incredible. The story and characters were just as wonderful as always, it was great to really get to know Vasilis as we haven't spent a huge amount of time with them before, plus their relationship with Mary was so cute! It took me a while to get the hang of combat as I don't play many turn based RPGs (took me an embarassingly long time to remember how effective grinding is for tricky bosses haha) but I really enjoyed the gameplay here, especially the puzzles. Got all the endings and think I've found everything, though may have to play again just to be sure (as if I need an excuse). Just amazing all around, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my playtime. 

You know if you keep making awesome games like this eventually my favourite game list will just be full of nothing but your work.


You don't know how much I've been waiting for this... I'm so happy I can finally play another one of your amazing games !!

MAJOR SPOILERS: Thoughts and Questions

Just finished the game and LOVED IT!!! I am left with some lingering thoughts and questions, but some of them might just be my obliviousness.

I'm left a bit confused on the spell that was cast that caused the world to turn out like that. Was it a parallel dimension? Spirit world? Were the people we encountered dead the entire time? Was anyone alive besides us, Rune, Mary, and Reginald? Considering when Rune said "for the spell to work, everyone included in it had to be alive" and he chuckled, it made me think either Rune or Mary was dead since Rune made the spell for only them two, but they both turned up in the hospital just fine.

What exactly was Reginald's plan with Mary? Why did he keep saying that he had infinite chances? I know that he kept making her more sick on purpose, but for what? The picture he showed us who he claimed was Mary turned out to be someone else, so is he using Mary as a substitute for her because she might have passed away? Or am I waaay off course? The whole thing left me very confused, but I may not have been paying enough attention to detail. 

After you're alone, go into the maternity award and go in through the door on the right, we encounter a unicorn (who I remember Griindel mentioning to Mary; asking if she's seen them.) I'm really interested to know more about them! Especially after their ominous speech and asking if we "want to feel them kick"???

I'm also wondering about the strange symbols we see pop up in some places, for example in the secret end and in people's hair highlights(?). There was also an eye symbol shown in Mary's medical file, but I'm not sure if that was just meant to be spooky. I wonder who the figure was who came up behind us in Reginald's office, and another figure who was helping and watching us the entire time, maybe Rune? I'm also wondering what the pink figure seen hugging us from behind is in the true end final picture in the credits... so many mysterious figures!

Sorry for the huge wall of text and blurbs, just wanted to jot down my thoughts and questions and see people's thoughts on things! Congratulations for the release, it was a blast and I loved all of the characters so much! I look forward to your next game! <3


Thank you so much for playing!! <3 I see all your questions, but unfortunately I cannot answer a lot of them as this game is part of a bigger puzzle that runs and will continue to run through various works of mine!

Some of this is expanded upon in my prior work 'Cemetery Mary', but some will continue to be explained or revealed through newer projects I plan to make! 

I hope to see you there, and I thank you again for playing! <3

Deleted 2 years ago

It is already disclaimed on the page that the game may not run on all macs


Thank you for this great game! I really enjoyed the story and the characters. Also the walkthrough was very helpful for me because I got stuck a few times.

The only thing I didn’t like that much were the battles. For me, the battles often felt too long and sometimes repetitive. Some of the battles were still challenging and the bosses were fun. But I guess I would have enjoyed the game even more if the battles were a bit shorter.

Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to what you’re coming up next. 😃


Part 1:

I love this!! I swear Every Game you make is Amazing!! Thank you for this I feel like I will have a blast!🤩

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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did anyone

decipher that phrase at secret ending?

It seems to be a line code, but I don't know how to decode it.

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I think there was something similar in "Cemetery Mary", and someone decoded it, but I dont remember who and how:((

from what i can tell it says "wish granted"

(1 edit)

wow, how did you do that?:O


i'm gonna be honest i just compared a screenshot of it to the one on cemetary mary

I was like "wow", and then like "whaat?!", and then like "wooow!", and then like "WHAAAAAAT!?!?!?"

Vasilis in secret ending I was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?" seriously what the hell was that:O

This game is really nice. I am stuck tho but i got it (I hope)


I got the good and true ending thanks for the game

Can anyone help me get the locker in the morgue open?

Deleted 47 days ago

Thank you I appreciate the help!

Really awesome game and a story that really hooks you from the beginning. I made a short gameplay video. Keep up the great work! 

Spoilers for the secret ending


A great game. The secret ending had me shaken. The graphics are wonderful but Reginald? What? Excuse me sire?

Griindel is my favorite along with Hyllindrix <3


guys pls how do i beat hyllindrix ive been trying for so long 

If you still need the help you need to ask Mary to sit in the chair behind him

there was an issue with the battles when i first downloaded the game. my attacks would only do 1 damage and i couldnt defend. i had to reinstall the game and then start the game over from the begining to fix it! just kind of putting this here incase anyone else has a similar problem!

For mac players, what do you do after opening the file nwjs? I have loved your other games and if it's possible would love to play this one<3

Hi, just curious, but how does this tie into Cemetery Mary? As in, is this a sequel, prequel, or something else altogether?

same characters but as far as i know its like a seperate universe. so the games arent connected at all


oh ok ty!

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