Updated - Minor QTE fixes?

Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for the wonderful support of the MY WISHMAKER Prologue!

It has been brought to my attention that the QTE events (and specifically the last one) were very hard and almost unplayable for some! As such I have just updated the file to have some of the QTEs be a smiiiidgen longer. I'd like them to stay challenging but if they're too challenging I see how it takes away from the fun!

Let me know if they feel a bit fairly balanced now and thanks so much again for the support! ♡


30 days ago
30 days ago


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I just finished, and it actually didn't take very much time, maybe thirty minutes? However, that was probably due to the fact that Twyla's QTE was GRUELING to deal with.  I had to spam the buttons with a little trial and error because I just couldn't hit each button perfectly in order. Thankfully got it on my fourth or so attempt, otherwise I'd have sadly given up.

That ending, though... SHOCKING. Definitely loving it so far, just wasn't a fan of Twyla's QTE at all. Very excited to see the game continue, take your time making it! 

should i download the game again to get the updated QTEs? not sure how this works...

Yes, you have to manually redownload the game for it to update! ♡

wahoo !! ^o^


The first two felt challenging without being unfair but I just couldn't get past the last one. Could just be because my hands tire quickly though. I ended up writing an autoclicker to get past it lol

Absolutely loved how it ended though! Can't wait for the rest!